• Petra Messa, maiden name Vojteková
  • Born January 31. 1987 in Uherské Hradiště, CZ
  • Lives and works in Prague, CZ
  • Contact:


  • 2013-2014/ Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Slovakia\ Department of painting and other media, Mgr. art. Klaudia Kosziba, ArtD.
  • 2008-2013/ Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Slovakia\ Department of painting and other media, prof. Daniel Fischer
  • 2002-2006/ Associated High School of Clothing in Bratislava, Slovakia\ Department of fashion design


  • 2018/ Detected Landscape, Nitrianska Galéria, Nitra, SK
  • 2015/ Boundary error (with Soňa Patúcová), SPP Gallery, Bratislava, SK
  • 2014/ Footing (with Soňa Patúcová), Freshmen's Gallery, Bratislava, SK
  • 2014/ Is there a time to be void? Why not, Koceľova 23, Bratislava, SK
  • 2014/ How to kill an Artist in nine Ways, Koceľova 23, Bratislava, SK
  • 2013/ A nice view from the distance, Klub umelcov, Bratislava, SK
  • 2013/ C1to30, Galéria Dunaj, Bratislava, SK
  • 2013/ The lead role, Koceľova 23, Bratislava, SK
  • 2012/ The possibility of not getting lost in the presence is not really real, Pod kamenným stromom, Bratislava, SK
  • 2011/ Are we right here? (with Soňa Patúcová), Free Gallery, Trnava, SK


  • 2018/ The Painting of the year 2018, Nedbalka Gallery , Bratislava, SK
  • 2018/ It will be taken by the Hand, Pragovaka Gallery, Praha, CZ
  • 2017/ Constructive Lyrics, Plzeň City Gallery , Plzeň, CZ
  • 2017/ What is mine is yours too, ABC Gallery, Bratislava, SK
  • 2016/ DOT. 2016
  • 2015/ Contemporary Romanticism, Bratislava Town Gallery , Bratislava, SK
  • 2013/ Supported Size, Medium gallery, Bratislava, SK
  • 2013/ We shoot Art, Klub umelcov, Bratislava, SK
  • 2013/ Gallery~ Presents, Dunaj~ Gallery, Bratislava, SK
  • 2013/ The eye wont disperse the Fog / Pisztory Palace, Bratislava, SK
  • 2012/ Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, Bratislava, SK
  • 2012/ Touching, MMB, Bratislava, SK
  • 2011/ Just contrary, Hangár, Tranzit studios, Bratislava, SK
  • 2011/ NeTWORk-action genre, Galleria Cvernovka, Bratislava, SK


  • 2013/ White!, Ateliér mal+by, VŠVU, Banská St a nica, SK
  • 2012/ TECHNO-logy, Žilina-Záriečie Station, Žilina, SK
  • 2010/ ARTESKORTA-Cement Factory, Banská Bystrica, SK